For many years now, I've carried a strong conviction about making more conscious choices when it comes to the products I buy, the home cleaners I use, where my food comes from, reducing my use of single-use plastics and generally lowering my carbon footprint when and where possible. However, it's only recently that I have connected with a company that is taking bold steps to bring solutions to climate change at scale.
ReGen Future Planet is rethinking business, reconnecting people with the planet, and restoring the world's natural capital.
ReGen Future Planet was founded in 2019 by Riccardo Segat, an entrepreneur based in London who has, over the past two decades, launched, developed and sold successful multinational environmental businesses across wind, solar and water treatment. Riccardo is the real deal. I discovered ReGen quite unexpectedly through a simple comment that a friend in Switzerland made on a LinkedIn post and, today, am partnering with Riccardo and his team in whatever ways I can, starting with connections to agriculture projects in Uganda.
To invest in ReGen's regenerative projects or learn how you can get involved, visit their website.
Cover Photo Credit: Benjamin Raffetseder on Unsplash
Page Photo Credits: [1] Diego Guzman [2] Gatis Marcinkevics [3] Daniil Silantev
Page Photo Credits: [1] Diego Guzman [2] Gatis Marcinkevics [3] Daniil Silantev